On this page, I present some of the songs and other MIDIs from my collection. All these have been downloaded from the net and are believed to be in public domain. Anyone holding a copyright in any of the songs may please inform me and I will gladly remove the MIDI.
I would suggest a 64-bit sound card like AWE 64 (Creative Labs) ,as a 64 bit card makes a hell of a difference compared to the 16-bit sound card most of you may have. If you don't want to buy that , u can download a virtual wavesynth software like Novastation. (Go to some software site like download.com and search for it for the latest version). As regards software, there are zillions of MIDI players on the net. You can download any, as MIDI doesn't have any special requirement. However, I would suggest a nice and cool MIDI player called Automid. You can visit the author's page and download it here . It's really cool and very small (around 900kb).